Depending on the type of valuation you request the price will vary. Valuations can start from 150 including GST for a Drive-by Valuation but as no two Valuations are the same, we would be happy to provide a quotation for you based on your individual needs.
How do I apply to HAVE MY HOUSE VALUED?
Click this link, fill in the form and send via the ‘Blue button’. Our trained staff will assess the application and determine which valuation is suitable then contact you to schedule a time.
How long does it take for the desktop valuation to be returned to me?
We generally have a single day turnaround time but this may vary in certain circumstances.
What are some of the inclusions in a valuation?
Generally our reports will include the below;
Property Summary
Valuation Summary
The Land summary
Main Building detail
Ancillary Improvements
Sales Evidence Summary
Any Additional Comments
Other relevant matters
Do you have to go onto the property at all?
Yes, the valuer will need to enter the property unless you request a Drive-by or Desktop Valuation. In this instance the Valuer will view the property from the street and complete all required field notes from that point.
Do I have to own the property to have it valued?
No, if a valuation has been requested an internal inspection may be required therefore it may be necessary to gain access via the owner, landlord or agent. Please note, if the property is leased strict time guidelines need to be adhered to when entering the property. In some cases a notice of entry may be required to be served to the tenant, but we find this is rare.